March 5-6, 2022
Hi! Happy week 10. Wow! Kind of seems like a lot, and a little? I'm proud of myself for making it through ten weeks of these weekend reviews. If you've been reading them all, thanks for following along this year :) We had a somewhat sudden change of plans this weekend, so it turned out different than we anticipated, but it was a really great weekend.
Friday dinner was an easy one! Roasted potatoes + eggs with cheese + spinach, avocado, tomatoes.
On Saturday, we were super excited to have our first warm spring day. We drove down to Bong Recreation Area and took a nice long walk with Millie. Sometimes when Millie is riding in car crate, she sticks her little nose through the front door. Cracks me up! (spot the nose above). The weather really was great and felt so warm - luckily, we didn't great rained on. The only downside was that it was extreeeeemely muddy, lol. Like, cartoon slipping level of mud. Millie got a bath when we got home, as you can imagine!
We watched Spirited Away on Saturday night. I really enjoyed it!
Sunday, we hung around home and did a bunch of regular, life-maintenance stuff. Very exciting! Haha. We were leaving for our ski trip this week, so trying to get prepared. Then we saw Marry Me in the afternoon. The plot didn't totally make sense (there were a few holes lol) but I still liked it! There were like five original songs and I loved that it felt like a big production at times.
I made some spaghetti with crispy white beans and balsamic brussels sprouts for dinner. Yum! How was your weekend?
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