December 11-12, 2021
Hey there! How was your weekend? Do anything fun? Do anything holiday-y?
Friday night we stayed home and watched a Spiderman movie (I am catching up so we can go see the new one together!). I made some potato pancakes which was a whole saga, lol. I have made potato pancakes once before but on the stove. I saw online someone suggest baking them in the oven so you don't have to use as much oil or babysit them while they fry on the stove. It was pretty successful! Still a lot of work to shred potatoes though.
Saturday morning I got up and made some roasted potatoes and eggs. While I was in the shower (after I had eaten) I had the idea to make a breakfast burrito with the potatoes! So I made one for Dan. It was deeeeelish. I'm now 2 for 2 (weekends for making burritos). And also I made more burrito on Sunday morning haha. So you could say its a phase!
During the day I ran some errands. I took a trip to Aldi and did a little haul on my stories! Saturday night we went to see Belfast at Downer Theatre. It was touching and the actors were phenomenal.
Sunday morning we took a little trip to the dog park. It was packed.
We spent some time at home in the afternoon. I made these honey, walnut, & goat cheese scones! Yummmmm.
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